BookDefender DMCA Takedown Service

Tired of finding your books on pirate sites? Sick of the lost ebook sales? Are you in Kindle Unlimited and having issues because your books are appearing on pirate sites?

Book Defender is here to do the heavy lifting for you. We’ll help you gain control of your copyrighted ebook material. We have a 90-day plan that is right for you.


Don’t let ebook piracy ruin your sales and income – sign up for BookDefender’s DMCA Takedown Service today

Welcome to BookDefender, a DMCA Takedown Service dedicated to helping indie authors protect their intellectual property and fight back against ebook piracy and copyright infringement.

As an indie author, you already have a lot on your plate. From writing and creating high-quality content to paying for cover art, edits, formatting, and marketing, the costs of being an indie author can add up quickly. You’re already wearing many hats, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Finding time to track down all the sites pirating your ebook is nearly impossible, especially when you consider just how much pirated content appears on the internet daily.

It’s tough to see your hard work and intellectual property being stolen and shared illegally on the internet, and it can have serious consequences for your income and reputation. Not to mention, if you’re in Kindle Unlimited, you could face the loss of your KDP account.

Protect Your Copyrighted Ebooks & Your Income:

That’s where BookDefender comes in. We’re is here to help copyright owners gain control of their hard work. With our team of professionals on your side, you can take the stress out of sending takedown notices and spending hours on search engines trying to locate stolen content and focus on what you do best: writing amazing books.

Our 90-day plan is the perfect solution for indie authors looking for peace of mind that their ebooks are protected. With BookDefender on your side, you can rest easy knowing your hard work is being properly compensated.

Don’t let ebook piracy ruin your sales and income. Sign up for BookDefender’s DMCA Takedown Service today. Fight back against ebook pirates and protect your copyrighted material.

Protect Your Hard Work


What Authors Are Saying

Swamp Spirits Cover Art

Finally, a DMCA service that gets results


I’d stopped using DMCA services because they weren’t effective, but I don’t have time to address piracy issues myself so I just let things go. Shane identified and got my books removed from so many sites so quickly that I was amazed. Finally, a DMCA service that gets results.

DMCA Takedown Service BookDefender

My Kindle account was restored

As a self-published author, I rely on my Kindle Unlimited income to make a living. So when I discovered that my book was being pirated and causing issues with my KDP account, I was beside myself with worry. A friend recommended BookDefender, and I reached out to Shane right away. He got back to me fast and issued takedowns before the day was out on my behalf. He kept me up to date on the situation. The infringing material was removed quickly and efficiently, and my Kindle Unlimited account was restored. I can’t recommend Shane and BookDefender enough.

Seventh Key Cover Art

I can focus on writing more books!


“My ebook and audiobooks were being illegally distributed. Shane took care of everything. He removed tens of thousands of illegal copies of my work from the internet. I don’t have to worry about pirated copies. I can focus on writing more books.”

Prevent Lost Sales


Shane takes hunting illegal copies of my books to a new level, helping to prevent lost sales.

DMCA Takedown Service BookDefender

FAQ: Why did I receive a DMCA takedown notice?

FAQ: Why did I receive a DMCA takedown notice? You received a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown notice because: An author or their authorized representative has identified their copyrighted material on your website. This material is being shared without...
FAQ Book defender DMCA takedown service IG


FAQs What Services Do We Offer? We are a takedown notice service. What that means is that we issue DMCA takedown notices to infringing websites, persons, and even web hosts should the need arise, notifying them of a copyright infringement. We don’t stop there....

More Testimonials

“Shane is a lifesaver! Thanks to BookDefender, not only has illegal piracy of my books been greatly reduced, but they also discovered a huge number of pirated copies of my books on websites and in areas that hadn’t even shown up on the radar with other services.”

“The process has been smooth and painless. It’s almost like magic the way Shane finds websites hosting my books. I’d say the service is worth 10 times the price.”

“Working with Shane has been nothing less than a dream. His tremendous attention to detail, combined with the speed in which he finds pirated copies of my work on the internet, is truly remarkable. I couldn’t be more impressed by his work!”

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